121 research outputs found

    Protein-protein interactions of the DNA polymerase ð complex in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    In eukaryotes there are three essential DNA polymerases that are involved in the bulk o f DNA replication: pola, polS and pole. P ola is involved in generating a short RNA-DNA primer. PolS and 8 are involved in the elongation process o f DNA replication. It has been suggested that polS is the key enzyme that performs all o f the processive DNA replication since the catalytic domains o f pole are not essential.In S. pombe polδ is comprised of four subunits: Pol3- the catalytic or A subunit, Cdcl- the B subunit, Cdc27- the C subunit, and Cdml- the D subunit. Polδ in S. cerevisiae and mammals have homologues o f these subunits, except for the D subunit of which there is no homologue in S. cerevisiae.In this thesis polS from S. pombe has been studied in two ways. One approach was to investigate the protein-protein interactions within polδ, and the other was to investigate Cdcl, the highly conserved B subunit of unknown function. The proteinprotein interactions were investigated using a combination of two-hybrid assays and mutational analysis. Cdcl was investigated by performing extensive mutational analysis using both random and site directed methods.The combination of approaches has demonstrated that the C- terminal ZnF2 region of both S. pom be and S. cerevisiae A subunit (Pol3) is involved in the direct binding to the B subunit. The four cysteines present in the zinc finger are involved in maintaining the structure of both S. pombe and S. cerevisiae ZnF2. Mutational analysis o f Cdcl (the S. pombe B subunit) has identified a conserved region (DomIII) that could be involved in the function of Cdcl. Additionally, binding assays with the Cdcl mutants have suggested a region of Cdcl (from amino acids 293 to 329) as being involved in the binding to Pol3

    A simplified approach to assess dynamic amplification due to accidental release of formwork traveller during the construction stages of bridges

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    Construction of bridges by the cantilever method needs to consider the accidental release of the formwork traveller (ARFT) in the design phase. Often this phase is a critical situation that current regulations treat as a static analysis amplified by a dynamic factor due to the difficulty in setting up a model able to simulate the complex interaction between the formwork and the structure in the time domain during the accidental release. To overcome the simplistic approach of the regulations and to avoid the complexity of detailed ARFT modelling, in this research the release of the formwork is modelled as a simple force-time function applied to the bridge. This function has an equivalent effect on the structure as the accidental release, and it has been tuned using experimental tests on a 1:100 scale aeroelastic model of the cable-stayed Bioceanic Bridge. To test the applicability of the proposed time-function the Chilina continuous beam Bridge was also analysed. The article shows that the simplified procedure in the regulations can sometimes underestimate and overestimate dynamic amplification and, thus, a methodology is proposed to carry out the specific dynamic calculation that the regulations suggest for those cases where it is necessary

    Study Report on Reporting Requirements on Biofuels and Bioliquids stemming from the Directive (EU) 2015/1513

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    This report was commissioned to gather comprehensive information on, and to provide systematic analysis of the latest available scientific research and the latest available scientific evidence on indirect land use change (ILUC) greenhouse gas emissions associated with production of biofuels and bioliquids. The EU mandatory sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids do not allow the raw material for biofuel production to be obtained from land with high carbon stock or high biodiversity value. However, this does not guarantee that as a consequence of biofuels production such land is not used for production of raw materials for other purposes. If land for biofuels is taken from cropland formerly used for other purposes, or by conversion of grassland in arable land for biofuel production, the former agricultural production on this land has to be grown somewhere else. And if there is no regulation that this must happen sustainably, conversion of land may happen, which is not allowed to be used under the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels. This conversion may take place in other countries than where the biofuel is produced. This is called indirect land use change (ILUC). According to Article 3 of the European Union’s Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of 9 September 2015, the European Commission has to provide information on, and analysis of the available and the best available scientific research results, scientific evidence regarding ILUC emissions associated to the production of biofuels, and in relation to all production pathways. Besides, according to Article 23 of the revised European Union’s Directive 2009/28/EC (RES Directive), the Commission also has to provide the latest available information with regard to key assumptions influencing the results from modelling ILUC GHG emissions, as well as an assessment of whether the range of uncertainty identified in the analysis underlying the estimations of ILUC emissions can be narrowed down, and if the possible impact of the EU policies, such as environment, climate and agricultural policies, can be factored in. An assessment of a possibility of setting out criteria for the identification and certification of low ILUCrisk biofuels that are produced in accordance with the EU sustainability criteria is also required

    Colchicine in acute heart failure: Rationale and design of a randomized double‐blind placebo‐controlled trial (COLICA)

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    Aims: Heart failure (HF) elicits a pro-inflammatory state, which is associated with impaired clinical outcomes, but no anti-inflammatory therapies have demonstrated a clinical benefit yet. Inflammatory pathways related with the interleukin-1 axis are overactivated during episodes of acute HF. Colchicine, an anti-inflammatory drug with proven benefits in acute pericarditis and ischaemic heart disease, may target this inflammatory response. This study aims to assess the efficacy of colchicine in acute HF patients. Methods: COLICA is a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial enrolling 278 patients across 12 sites. Patients presenting with acute HF, clinical evidence of congestion requiring ≥40 mg of intravenous furosemide and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) >900 pg/ml, are eligible for participation. Patients are enrolled irrespective of left ventricular ejection fraction, HF type (new-onset or not) and setting (hospital or outpatient clinic). Patients are randomized 1:1 within the first 24 h of presentation to either placebo or colchicine, with an initial loading dose of 2 mg followed by 0.5 mg every 12 h for 8 weeks (reduced dose if <70 kg, >75 years old, or glomerular filtration rate <50 ml/min/1.73 m2). The primary efficacy endpoint is the time-averaged proportional change in NT-proBNP concentrations from baseline to week 8. Key secondary and exploratory outcomes include symptoms, diuretic use, worsening HF episodes, related biomarkers of cardiac stress and inflammation, total and cardiovascular readmissions, mortality and safety events. Conclusion: COLICA will be the first randomized trial testing the efficacy and safety of colchicine for acute HF

    Asociación de vector del VNO e hidrófito invasor: Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 y Ludwigia grandiflora (Michaux) Greuter & Burdet en el marjal de Xeraco-Xeresa, Valencia

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    Se reporta la estrecha relación entre uno de los principales vec- tores del virus del Nilo Occidental (VNO), Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae), y la planta invasora acuática Ludwigia grandiflora (Spermatophyta, Onagraceae) en el marjal de Xeraco-Xeresa, un humedal al sur de la provincia de Valencia. Los hidrófitos alóctonos desempeñan en ocasiones un papel primordial en la proliferación descontrolada de poblaciones de mosquitos y, en consecuencia, también en la transmisión y propagación de muchas enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes transmitidas por estos dípteros. Teniendo en cuenta la situación geográfica de este humedal y los diferentes factores climáticos y biológicos, la aparición de una epi- demia del VNO con incidencia humana es un hecho más que prob- able en esta vertiente mediterránea del país

    Born to be wild: captive-born and wild Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) reveal space-use similarities when reintroduced for species conservation concerns

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    An ambitious conservation programme to save the Iberian lynx from extinction conducted several reintroductions aiming to restore its historical range. The urgency due to the delicate conservation status prompted translocating captive-born and wild individuals, while preventing an early assessment of how both groups combined their space-use and differed in post-release movements. To address this issue, we conducted a comprehensive movement ecology analysis using GPS data of 161 Iberian lynxes from 9 populations. First, we classified five movement phases within individuals' trajectories: residence areas (stable and transient), excursions, post-release dispersals, and transitions between residences. Second, we used continuous-time movement models to estimate range size and daily speeds and measured the distance travelled during extra-territorial movements. Finally, we conducted comparative analyses to evaluate differences between captive-born, wild translocated, and wild non-translocated individuals across phases, sex, age-class and populations. Most individuals in all groups established home ranges, supporting the reintroduction main goal. Yet, contrary to the species' natural pattern, captive-born subadults did not show intersexual home range size differences, which emerged after experiencing free-ranging, when becoming adults. More differences emerged for non-residential behaviours. Captive-born lynxes were more prone to post-release dispersal, to slower post-release movements and to having smaller transient residences, indicating cautious behaviour. Our study supports using captive-born individuals for reintroductions, while prioritizing wild individuals for reinforcements in highly competitive populations. Further, we suggest relevant metrics for planning translocations and connectivity management, and we demonstrate how an integrated ex-situ and reintroduction initiative can substantially contribute to restoring an endangered species' distribution rang

    Obstetric–neonatal care during birth and postpartum in symptomatic and asymptomatic women infected with SARS-CoV-2: a retrospective multicenter study

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    This study analyses the obstetric–neonatal outcomes of women in labour with symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19. A retrospective, multicenter, observational study was carried out between 1 March 2020 and 28 February 2021 in eight public hospitals in the Valencian community (Spain). The chi-squared test compared the obstetric–neonatal outcomes and general care for symptomatic and asymptomatic women. In total, 11,883 births were assisted in participating centers, with 10.9 per 1000 maternities (n = 130) infected with SARS-CoV-2. The 20.8% were symptomatic and had more complications both upon admission (p = 0.042) and during puerperium (p = 0.042), as well as transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU). The percentage of admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) was greater among offspring of symptomatic women compared to infants born of asymptomatic women (p < 0.001). Compared with asymptomatic women, those with symptoms underwent less labour companionship (p = 0.028), less early skin-to-skin contact (p = 0.029) and greater mother–infant separation (p = 0.005). The overall maternal mortality rate was 0.8%. No vertical transmission was recorded. In conclusion, symptomatic infected women are at increased risk of lack of labour companionship, mother–infant separation, and admission to the ICU, as well as to have preterm births and for NICU admissions

    Structural, ecological and biogeographical attributes of European vegetation alliances

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    The first comprehensive phytosociological classification of all vegetation types in Europe (EuroVegChecklist; Applied Vegetation Science, 2016, 19, 3–264) contained brief descriptions of each type. However, these descriptions were not standardized and mentioned only the most distinct features of each vegetation type. The practical application of the vegetation classification system could be enhanced if users had the option to select sets of vegetation types based on various combinations of structural, ecological, and biogeographical attributes. Based on a literature review and expert knowledge, we created a new database that assigns standardized categorical attributes of 12 variables to each of the 1106 alliances dominated by vascular plants defined in EuroVegChecklist. These variables include dominant life form, phenological optimum, substrate moisture, substrate reaction, salinity, nutrient status, soil organic matter, vegetation region, elevational vegetation belt, azonality, successional status and naturalness. The new database has the potential to enhance the usefulness of phytosociological classification for researchers and practitioners and to help understand this classification to non-specialists